8 Apr /0 Comments/WOD BLACK AND BLUE 5 Rounds:10 Power Cleans10 BurpeesLoading:65/45lb Fundamentals95/65lb Fitness115/80lb RX135/95lb RX+
8 Apr /0 Comments/Pneuma Blog, WOD STEPPING DOWN 3 Rounds:30 Kettlebell Sumo DL High Pulls150′ Walking Lunge
8 Apr /0 Comments/Pneuma Blog, WOD TIPPY TOES With a 25 minute time cap:21-18-15-12-9-6-3200 Meter RunToes to BarBurpees
8 Apr /0 Comments/Pneuma Blog, WOD PIT FALL AMRAPx15:15 Kettlebell Swings30 Abmat Sit-Ups1 Rope Climb
8 Apr /0 Comments/Pneuma Blog, WOD WHIPLASH AMRAPx18:60 Double Unders45 Air Squats200 Meter Run15 Push Jerks