Cathy H. Age 64

The first time I went to CrossFit Pneuma, I nervously sat in my car and watched the members go in. THEN I LEFT!! I felt I was too old to do crossfit. That was 8 plus years ago. Fortunately, I went back the next day for a work out and realized that crossfit can be for anyone.
I have been active most of my life, but I was looking for something new and challenging. I was tired of the traditional classes with 5 pound weights and a bazillion reps or boring machines that offered the same old thing. Crossfit workouts are always varied and can be as challenging as you make it. Justin’s focus on programing our daily wods is key to achieving well rounded conditioning. Justin pours his heart and soul into Crossfit Pneuma. He is extremely knowledgeable and always strives to help us understand why we do what we do. I’m still learning from him, even after 8 years.
Justin and his team are great coaches. They provide detailed and personalized instruction with occasional “Nerd-out” explanations from JB! The emphasis is always safety first and functional fitness. Everything is scalable and Justin always offers multiple options. Our classes work for the most seasoned crossfitter to a first timer. Justin has made me realize that I am capable of so much more than I ever thought – even as one of the “elder” members. The mental fitness that all of us gain at CFP helps not only in work outs but also in everyday life.
Our CFP community is something special. You won’t find it at a traditional gym. During class, we cheer for each other until the last person is finished. And we sometimes get back up to finish with that last person. Sometimes, I am still that last person, especially when we are running! Encouraging yells always help me finish stronger. We are a family. I have long lasting friendships that carry well beyond the walls of CFP. I am so thankful I went back that second day and became part of the CFP family.
Deadlift – 255lb
Back Squat – 215lb
Strict Shoulder Press – 85lb
Bench Press – 110lb