In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.
12 DB Deadlift
9 DB Hang Power Clean
6 DB Push Press
Men 35lb
Women 20lb
Today we will complete all 6 movements x 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. We will do this for 5 rounds total.
Russian Kettlebell Swings
Front Planks
Russian Kettlebell Swings
Hollow Rocks
Russian Kettlebell Swings
Russian Twists
Today we are measuring the total Kettlebell Swing REPS completed across 5 rounds.
Fundamentals 16kg or <
Fitness 20kg
Performance 24kg
– Sandbag Swings
– Single Dumbbell Swings
– Odd Object Hinge Swings
I figured while we are all on quarantine it would be fun (and nerdy 🤓) to gain a better understanding of why we scale and how does knowing this have significant impact on our daily workouts.
Why Do We Scale?
Ultimately, athletes scale workouts to ensure they are able to consistently display sound mechanics and technique while still being appropriately challenged, are remaining safe in the process, and the intended stimulus of the workout remains intact.
Here is an overview of what we’ll discuss across 4 discussions:
Part 1. Consistently display sound mechanics and technique.
Part 2. Appropriate dose to reap benefits
Part 3. Safe progressions within skill and strength abilities
Part 4. Relentless commitment to the intended stimulus
Today we address, Part 1 – Consistently display sound mechanics and technique. Technique is a combination of four generally recognized physical skills: accuracy, coordination, agility and balance. Take away any one of those skills and you’ve got a problem. Without accuracy you start to lack efficiency. You’re not going to be as quick, which is gonna blunt your power output. It’s also gonna begin to limit the amount of load that you can lift, … and I think without accuracy, under intensity you’re at higher risk for injury! So the more accurate you are, the faster you can go, the more power you can generate and the more results you can have overall.
We definitely need experimentation. We need to push the edge of we are able to perform well, and perform with consistency, but we also need A LOT of the basics. It goes a step further, as consistency also applies to programming and how doing so affects our athletes to do Part 1, really well. “Simplicity is key, and I think consistency is more important than sexy programming. I think we see that all the time—you’re gonna get results with people being consistent, and you don’t need to keep them attracted by all these bells and whistles. The simplicity is part of the beauty of what we do.”
Stay tuned, Part 2 coming soon…
20 DB Thrusters
10 Burpees Over Bells
40 DB Thrusters
20 Burpees Over Bells
60 DB Thrusters
30 Burpees Over Bells
As we look at today’s stimulus we can actually break down each round into time checks. We want to be done with Round 1 in 3 minutes. Our second time check is to finish Round 2 in 8 minutes and finally our third time check is to finish Round 3 at the 16-17 minute mark.
Fundamentals = Complete under 17 min time cap
Fitness = Complete in 14 minutes
Performance – Complete in 10 minutes
Men = 35lb or <
Women = 20lb or <
20 seconds RBM Squats
20 seconds Mountain Climbers
20 seconds Arch
20 seconds Alternating Lunges
20 seconds Plank Jumping Jacks
20 seconds Hips Down Push-Ups
20 seconds Slow Air Squats
20 seconds Frog Jumps
20 seconds Hand Release Push-Ups